Nike Accounts Ban Guide
Thanks for buying our Nike accounts! Here are some guides for you to get you set up.
If you are getting the error "Incorrect reset" Or "Unverified/No Mobile Verification", the account has been banned by Nike since they detected that you are having fraud or bot activity on their site.
This has nothing to do with the quality of our accounts. The bans or resets have to do with the upgrade security system Nike has and the way they ban accounts nowadays. Most of these bans or resets occur almost instantly after they detected you doing some weird things.
If you are planning to go the manual route or running nike bots, be aware that Nike can detect you botting or running a lot of accounts.
What causes this issue?
Using a bot
High Risk Proxies
Address/Name/Phone Number is not j1gged
Logging in on multiple account with the same IP address
Using an account checker (VERY RISKY)
Test task on all accounts in a bot
Start the task(s) too early ( like 1 - 2 Hours )
1 card running on more than 3 accounts (RISKY)
Once you have used the accounts in one location, those accounts should stay in that location and should not be used for another drop in another country.
If you have started the task on ur bot. Please do not stop or restart the bot, just leave the task moving until the drop is end. as by doing this will cause reset password (detection by nike antibot)
Nike ban more accounts during hype release (such as OFF White, High resale value drop)
How to avoid getting banned?
Random pick 3 - 5 Account to check if the account is verified (if they are verified, all of them will be fine).
J1g all the billing, try to make them as different as possible. Random name, random phone number or by adding a few characters in front, in the middle or behind the address.
Using residential proxies, we do suggest using a large pool like ours. You can check out our proxies on the website and discounts can be found in #proxy-discount.
Using 1 IP on 1 Account
Avoid using the same account on multiple regions.
Last updated